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​OK. Here's the deal.



You're going to brush your teeth every day, right?

Floss, right?

Wash your hands? Of course!

Take a shower?

Wash your hair?

Shave? - once in a while anyway...

Do laundry?  (I hope so!)                                                                    All natural toothpaste

Clean off your kitchen counter?

Maybe mix up a smoothie with some amazing ingredients?

Why not use quality, non-toxic, chemical free products!?


And if you have a family or a significant other don't they

deserve the same? Of course they do!


And, of course, all your amazing pets as well!


You can help others live a whole lot better while helping  those

who want to be serious about the business, build a business and become financially independent . Help  people fire their bosses, buy homes, have more family time, travel, buy a boat, send kids to college -- and the list goes on, and on and on.....


When you use about $100 a month of these toxin-free products and also show the same benefits to three other people , your products are then "free." You will have paid for them with your monthly commission income. (Of course you will want to spread the word to many more.)



When they help three others, or probably many, many more get the same benefits, our team really starts to grow! If you connect with about five people who are really serious about building a business - like you and I are - we are all on our way to making our dreams come true!


Hey! Why not buy toxin-free quality products "from yourself" instead of some corporation where you will be helping to buy a beach house for the CEO!?


And it's all in place! No re-inventing the wheel! Tremendous support and huge back office  structure. Just plug in to the system.


What do you choose for your life?


* More family time?

* Traveling to far-flung, exotic places? 

* A house on the beach?

* A business team where we all help and

  support each other instead of compete

  with each other? Yes!

* College for your kids?

* A boat? A bigger boat?!

* To fire your boss and get out of the rat race?

* A new home?

      (By the way, I picked the ocean for this page 'cause I want to buy

       another sailboat and sail to Mexico again!)




If you are serious about getting what YOU want - not what your boss wants, or his or her boss, or the politicians, or the big toxic corporations, etc. - I'd like to talk to you about joining the Essential Man Team.


I know what it's like to work your rear-end off and have a client or customer go somewhere else. Or have a co-worker steal the credit for your work, or drive an hour (or more) to and from work each day - or worry about dramatic shifts in markets and products; and downsizing or out-sourcing, etc, etc, etc. Let's go to a place of business and lifestyle freedom where we can forget all that!


I ENCOURAGE YOU....... TO......


$$ look at each page in this site. Check out the compensation plan and business structure examples.


$$ Check out the Young Living website (link in the "links" page). I think you will be impressed by what they do and how they do it.


$$ Check out all the links in the "links" page (look under "more" in the tabs). There are some great videos and a ton of info that should answer most of your questions.


$$ Call or write me with any questions. If I don't know the answers I'll find them!  916-507-9923


Why the name Thieves for some oils and  products?


In France during the 15th century plague, thieves would sneak

into graveyards to rob from the dead and dying. Legend

says they protected themselves by creating a special

aromatic combination

composed of clove,

rosemary, and other botanicals.

Today, Thieves essential

oil blend is inspired of those

tales of old. Combining

Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Lemon,

Eucalyptus Radiata,

and Rosemary essential oils.






                                                                       essential oil.

                                                                     Amazing stuff!





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