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                          Steps to Purchase Your Starter Kit

         The cost is $160 plus shipping and taxes.


  1. Visit (click here) and click “Become a Member”

  2. Click “member” for “Choose your membership.”You never want retail-you pay 24% more!

  3. Choose “I was referred by a member” and put the numbers below for sponsor and enroller:  David Kindopp
    Sponsor number: 15558985            Enroller number: 15558985

  4. Click “Continue”

  5. Choose your starter kit (My favorite is theThieves Kit, but they’re all excellent!)

  6. Set up your Essential Rewards monthly order. You can change it monthly so you can switch products. Essential Rewards is optional, but I HIGHLY recommend it.  Young Living is about far more than oils, it’s about toxin-free living.  This allows you to start the simple swap, where each month you pick a new cabinet in your home and swap out your toxic laundry soap, dish soap, deodorant, shampoo, make-up, supplements, and more.    Start small and pick what what makes sense to you.The minimum order is 50pv ($) (product value). 
    On Essential Rewards, you get 10 percent back in free product the first 3 months you are on ER, 20 percent back at month 4, and 25 percent back at month 25.  (That means you’re getting paid to get your laundry soap!) You can cancel when you want.  There are no fees.  You also qualify for free oils if you spend $190, $250, or $300 PV (product value).  Kick the chemicals in your home to the curb!

  7. Confirm your monthly order. Make sure you check the box!

  8. Click “Next”

  9. Put in your contact and payment information and come up with a username and pin number.
    Username:   _________________4-digit Pin number: ____________

  10. Click “Agree and Continue”.


Welcome to The Essential Man Team!
We are so honored to have you!

Drop me a note when you join so we can brainstorm!

You will want to start by logging into your Virtual Office right away using your username and password.  Then click on “Getting Started” and watch the videos to learn more about this INCREDIBLE company!



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